Our Investments
Black Lake Ventures is the business arm of Black Lake First Nation. It has direct ownership in four companies:
- Athabsaca Basin Development – 23.23%
- Athabasca Catering – 20%
- Prince Albert First Nation Business Development – 8.33%
- Waterfound Development Corporation (NRT) – 33% (22%)
Current Investments

Athabasca Basin Development
Athabasca Basin Development is an investment company committed to building and investing in successful businesses. The company is owned by the seven communities in the Athabasca Basin, with Black Lake Ventures having 23% ownership.

Athabasca Catering
Athabasca Catering has thrived in remote site catering industry, due to high client satisfaction, high quality food service, qualified and skilled management at all levels and a willingness to do what it takes to get the job done safely, professionally and skillfully.

Prince Albert First Nations Development Limited Partnership
Prince Albert First Nations Business Development Limited Partnership strives to own and operate profitable businesses that create employment opportunities for First Nations people, generate earning for reinvestment in in businesses and support the quest for economic self-sufficiency.

Waterfound Development Corporation (NRT)
Black Lake First Nations also participates in economic development activities through 33% ownership in Waterfound Development Corp. Currently, this development corporation owns 20% of Northern Resource Trucking (NRT).